US stocks close near the lows, give up nearly all of yesterday’s gains

<p>It was an ugly day for stocks but if you told me before the CPI data that it would be hot and that stocks would trade flat on Thursday-Friday, I’d say that’s constructive. It sure doesn’t feel that way though.</p><ul><li>S&P 500 down 86 points to 3583 or 2.4%</li><li>Nasdaq Comp -3.1%</li><li>Russell 2000 -2.6%</li><li>DJIA -1.3%</li></ul><p>If there’s any kind of consolidation, JPM managed to gain 1.8% on good earnings on a rough tape.</p><p>On the week:</p><ul><li></li><li>S&P 500 -1.25%</li><li>Nasdaq Comp -2.8%</li><li>Russell 2000 -1.1%</li></ul>

This article was written by Adam Button at

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