US stocks close the week with gains on the day. S&P and Nasdaq lower for the week.

The US stocks have closed the week with gains on the day.

The S&P and the Nasdaq remain lower on the week. The Dow and the small-cap Russell 2000 closed higher with the Russell 2000 the best performer on the rotation on hopes lower rates would help those companies going forward.

The final numbers are showing:

  • Dow industrial average rose 654.27 points or 1.64% at 40,589.35.
  • S&P index rose 59.86 points or 1.11% at 5459.09
  • NASDAQ index rose 176.16 points or 1.03%17357.88

The small-cap Russell 2000 rose to 37.08 points or 1.67% at 2260.06.

For the trading week:

  • Dow Industrial Average average rose 0.75%.The Dow closed higher for the fourth consecutive week
  • S&P index fell -0.83%. The S&P index fell for the second consecutive week.
  • NASDAQ index-2.08%. The NASDAQ index fell for the second consecutive week.
  • Russell 2000 rose 3.466% and for the third consecutive week.

Next week is a huge week with Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms, and Microsoft all scheduled to release earnings.


  • Meta Platforms +2.75%
  • Amazon, +1.47%
  • Alphabet -0.17%
  • Apple +0.22%
  • Microsoft +1.64%
  • Tesla -0.20%
  • Nvidia +0.71%

For a list of the other companies scheduled to release can be found HERE. Of course the Fed interest rate decision on Wednesday will also be a key event. The week will also end with the US jobs report on Friday (177K estimate with the unemployment rate at 4.1%).

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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