US stocks closed higher for the day and for the week

<p>The major US stock indices are closing higher for the day, and higher for the week. For the trading year, the Dow industrial average is still down on the year but the S&amp;P and the NASDAQ index are positive</p><p>A snapshot of the closing levels for the day shows:</p><ul><li>Dow industrial average up 132.28 points or 0.41% at 32237.54. At intraday lows, the index was down -300.08 points</li><li>S&amp;P index up 22.27 points or 0.56% at 3970.98. At intraday lows, the S&amp;P index was down -39.55 points</li><li>NASDAQ index up 36.57 points or 0.31% at 11823.97. Intraday lows reached -116.73 points.</li><li>The Russell 2000 up 14.63 points or 0.85% at 1734.92. The low for the day was down -25.05 points</li></ul><p>For the trading week,</p><ul><li>Dow industrial average rose 1.18%</li><li>S&amp;P index rose 1.39%</li><li>NASDAQ index rose 1.66%</li><li>Russell 2000 rose 0.52%</li></ul><p>For the trading year, the Dow industrial average remains negative, while the S&amp;P index in the NASDAQ index are higher.</p><ul><li>Dow industrial average is a down -2.74%</li><li>S&amp;P index is up 3.42%</li><li>NASDAQ index is up 12.97%</li></ul><p>How did the S&amp;P components do this week? The gains were led by communication services up 3.4 point percent. Real estate fell -1.38% and utilities fell -1.2%. Despite all the financial concerns this week, the financial component rose 0.58%. The regional bank index was also higher by 0.18%. That index rose 3.03% today pushing the price back into positive territory for the week.</p><ul><li>Consumer discretionary, +0.44%</li><li>Energy +2.29%.</li><li>Consumer Staples +1.43%.</li><li>Healthcare +1.49%.</li><li>Industrials +0.67%</li><li>Information technology +2.04%.</li><li>Materials +2.12%.</li><li>Real estate -1.38%.</li><li>Communication services +3.41%.</li><li>Utilities -1.2%.</li><li>Financials +0.58%</li></ul><p>For the trading year:</p><ul><li>Consumer discretionary, +9.65%</li><li>Energy -11.05% </li><li>Consumer Staples -2.28%</li><li>Healthcare -6.38%.</li><li>Industrials -1.31%</li><li>Information technology +17.49%</li><li>Materials -1.13%</li><li>Real estate -3.92%</li><li>Communication services 18.46%</li><li>Utilities -6.87%</li><li>Financials -9.43%</li></ul>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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