US stocks move lower as the week moves toward the close

The US stocks are moving lower with the broader S&P and Nasdaq indices below the midpoint of the days trading ranges.

The indices still remain higher on the day, but in a week that has seen sharp moves lower, the leaking back to the downside is a disappointment.

Looking at the Nasdaq, it is still up 144 points or 0.88%, but was up 272 points at the high with a low at +58 points. Technically,the price is trading back below the 38.2% at 17353. That level will be a barometer for buyers and sellers.

The S&P was up as much as 89 points and as low as up 31.47 points. It is currently up 55 points or 1.07%. Technically, the low price this week stalled near the 38.2% near 5394.43. That is a positive in what has been a negative trading week in the S&P.

The Dow is up 661 points or 1.67%. and the Russell 2000 is up 30 points or 1.38% .

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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