VEXT Now Available on MEXC


VEXT is now available on MEXC, a highly established global
centralized exchange. VEXT’s listing on the MEXC exchange represents a
significant milestone for VEXT’s journey.

Users are invited to visit MEXC via
( to access exclusive rewards and bonuses
currently on offer.

This pivotal moment offers users the chance to play an
integral role in shaping the future of VEXT.

About Veloce Media Group

Founded in 2018, Veloce is a multi-pillared gaming and
sports media group operating across some of the most innovative, fast-growing,
and future-focused sectors in the UK.

Headquartered in London, the Veloce brand comprises an
industry-leading gaming and racing platform, Veloce Esports, and race-winning
outfit, Veloce Racing, currently competing in the renowned Extreme E

As the world’s largest digital racing media network, Veloce
has so far attracted over 35 million subscribers and nearly one billion monthly
views with a focus on esports, gaming, purpose-driven motorsport, and

Veloce is partnered with a number of high-profile teams
from across the globe, running multiple gaming and esports team operations,
including Mercedes AMG, Ferrari, McLaren, and Yas Heat. Well-established JV
sub-brands, including Lando Norris’ gaming and lifestyle brand Quadrant, make
up another key aspect of Veloce’s vast global network.

Users should stay tuned for some exciting updates in the
near future!

This article was written by FL Contributors at

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