Weekly update on interest rate expectations

Rate cuts by year-end

  • Fed: 24 bps (98% probability of no change at the upcoming meeting)
  • ECB: 85 bps (90% probability of rate cut at the upcoming meeting)
  • BoE: 42 bps (66% probability of rate cut at the upcoming meeting)
  • BoC: 41 bps (57% probability of rate cut at the upcoming meeting)
  • RBA: 61 bps (62% probability of rate cut at the upcoming meeting)
  • RBNZ: 125 bps (88% probability of 50 bps rate cut at the upcoming meeting)
  • SNB: 34 bps (90% probability of rate cut at the upcoming meeting)

Rate hikes by year-end

  • BoJ: 50 bps (51% probability of no change at the upcoming meeting)

This article was written by Giuseppe Dellamotta at www.forexlive.com.

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