What’s the market’s state of mind going into 2024

At this time last year, everyone was fretting about a 2023 recession. That’s the kind of setup that led to a 55% rally in the Nasdaq (with some help from AI) and a 24% rally in the S&P 500.

How does the market feel going into 2024?

Recession calls have disappeared, stocks are up nine weeks in a row and there’s the Fear & Greed Index.

My base case is that we see rotation from megacap tech into broader indexes or value early in the year but there’s a compelling case that there are trillions of dollars on the sidelines that will flow into stocks in 2024.

‚Extreme greed‘ is never a good sign but there has been an extreme change in the fundamentals, with yields dropping, the Fed signalling a pivot and inflation looking like it’s dead.

This article was written by Adam Button at www.forexlive.com.

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