WTI crude oil settles at $79.56

<p>The price of WTI crude futures are settling at $79.56 . That’s up $2.07 or 2.671%</p><p>Frigid temperatures across most of US are contributing to the move to the upside. The high price today extended back over the $80 level to $80.30. The low price was down at 78.01.</p><p>Looking at the hourly chart, the price moved back above the 38.2% retracement of the move down from the November 7 high. That level comes in at $79.16. </p><p>The rising 100 hour moving average is down at $77.4, and the rising 200 are moving averages at $76.52. Earlier this week, the price tested that 200 hour moving average and found successive buyers against the level. That gave the buyers the go-ahead to push the price to the upside from a technical perspective.</p>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at www.forexlive.com.

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