Fed’s Bowman says 75bp increases should be on the table until seen inflation declining

<p>U.S. Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman spoke on Saturday at a Kansas Bankers Association event in Colorado. </p><p>Key takeaway comment:</p><ul><li>“I supported the FOMC’s decision last week to raise the federal funds rate another 75 basis points. My view is that similarly-sized increases should be on the table until we see inflation declining in a consistent, meaningful, and lasting way.“</li></ul><p>Bowman says she is seeing few, if any, signs of peak inflation and that she supports further rate hikes until a major decline is seen. Until then 75bp hikes are possible. </p><p>More:</p><ul><li>supply issues will continue to drive inflation</li><li>there are significant inflation risks for food, fuel, & housing in 2023</li><li>I want unequivocal inflation cooling before modifying my outlook</li><li>inflation is much too high</li><li>inflation is putting a strain on households, excessive inflation is a bigger threat to the labour market</li><li>says she sees a possibility of FOMC steps slowing or even halting growth in jobs</li><li>a pickup in H2 GDP, and then modest growth next year, is the base case</li><li>labour market is tight, but there are signs easing</li></ul><p>Michelle Bowman is a member of the Fed’s Board of Governors and is thus a voter at the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). </p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.

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