Iran says it struck an Israeli military base in Nagev

(Update: Israel says the strike caused ’slight damage‘ to a military base)

Iran’s IRGC says it has „successfully hit important military targets“ of Israeli army and „destroyed them“, according to Iranian press. The Iranian government’s newspaper also said that Tehran successfully targeted Israel’s most important military base in Nagev using Kheibar missile.

That could just be propaganda for domestic purposes.

The latest generation of Kheibar missiles accelerate to Mach 5 at impact, so they would be very difficult to intercept. It wasn’t previously known if Iran had the capability to launch those missiles the 2000km to Israel, though last May Iran claimed it could have a 2000km range.

Several videos do seem to show fast-moving objects hitting near Nagev.

It seems there is a ’secret‘ US military base in Nagev as well.

This article was written by Adam Button at

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