Pictures appear to show strikes landing in Israel

Here is a tweet showing what appears to be two fast-moving ballistic missiles landing.

It’s getting very difficult to imagine that Israel/US won’t respond however an Al Jazeera report, citing Israeli security sources, they succeeded in intercepting 99% of the Iranian response.

One report says strikes did hit the Ilan and Asaf Ramon International Airport or nearby. Another says that rockets hit the port of Haifa.

I would be careful with all of these reports, even the videos. These are times that are ripe for disinformation.

Here is a statement from The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps:

„Iran attacked important Israeli military installations after more than 10 days of silence and disregard by international organizations, especially the UN Security Council, which did not condemn the aggression and criminality of the Zionist regime in the attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

America is responsible for the evil actions of the Zionist regime, and if this child-killing regime is not curbed in the region, it must accept its consequences.“

This article was written by Adam Button at

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