Major currencies feeling rather uninspired so far today


From earlier: Long weekend in the US casts a shadow over markets to start the week

The changes among major currencies are leaving a lot to be desired. We’re essentially in a three-day weekend as traders struggle to find much appetite to start the new week. The narrow ranges among dollar pairs are still largely holding, even as we greet European traders on the day.

The less than 20 pips range in EUR/USD exemplifies the rather dour mood so far on the session.

USD/JPY is a touch lower as it continues to dance in and around the 150.00 mark. Meanwhile, NZD/USD is slightly higher but still faces stiff resistance on the daily chart near 0.6150-73.

The moves there are already nothing to shout about but it’s even more subdued when you look at the remaining major currencies.

So far, the overall risk mood remains steady. However, with US markets closed, we’re not likely to get much to work with until tomorrow comes unfortunately.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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