ZuluTrade Teams Up with X-Open Hub Brokerage FXCentrum

<p class=“MsoNormal“><a target=“_blank“ href=“https://www.zulutrade.com/?utm_source=News&amp;utm_medium=online&amp;utm_campaign=FXCentrum&amp;utm_id=ZT“ target=“_blank“ rel=“follow“>ZuluTrade</a>, the award-winning Finvasia Group social wealth management and social trading platform, has announced a new partnership with FxCentrum, a Seychelles based innovative brokerage firm.</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>This partnership creates more opportunities for traders seeking to diversify their portfolio and, at the same time, explore new cutting-edge tools that the XOH-powered FXCentrum trading platform has to offer. </p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Through its platforms, FXCentrum offers exposure to multiple markets and asset classes, including Forex, Stocks, Indices, and Commodities. Traders with a taste for automated and social investing can enjoy a distinct advantage with ZuluTrade, which is now available to all FXC traders. This integration plays a strategic part in FXCentrum’s organic growth and product diversification, allowing the brokerage to upscale and increase conversion rates across different verticals. </p><p class=“MsoNormal“>ZuluTrade adds the social trading element to FXCentrum’s FSA-regulated trading environment, offering traders of all levels to learn how to trade by copying the successful positions of professional traders and even launch their own strategies and trade ideas as they gain experience. </p><p class=“MsoNormal“>What the social trading leader brings new to FXC is social wealth management, an innovative concept whereby investors are given full control over their capital – as they can start and stop investing in a particular strategy at any time. In addition, ZuluTrade’s “protective shield”, ZuluGuard, scans every trader’s behaviour in real time and removes all strategies that have deviated from the expected loss profile.</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Greeting the partnership with FXCentrum, Finvasia Group CEO and Co-founder and ZuluTrade CEO Tajinder Virk said: “ZuluTrade welcomes FXCentrum to its growing ecosystem. Our vision is to provide traders with a transparent, broker-agnostic social wealth management environment allowing them to reach their goals. By joining forces with FXCentrum, we make a step forward towards reaching our goal: making ZuluTrade the social wealth management platform of choice for investors worldwide.”</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>As it continues to expand across geographies, ZuluTrade is expected to release new products and services in the upcoming months. However, no official statements have been made. </p><p class=“MsoNormal“>To learn more about the company and its broker partnerships, visit <a target=“_blank“ href=“https://www.zulutrade.com/?utm_source=News&amp;utm_medium=online&amp;utm_campaign=FXCentrum&amp;utm_id=ZT“ target=“_blank“ rel=“follow“>ZuluTrade</a> website</p>

This article was written by ForexLive at www.forexlive.com.

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